Our Tradition
Our tradition of Shin Buddhism (known officially as the Jodo Shinshu school of Pure Land Buddhism), founded 850 years ago, is Buddhism for people interested in receiving and practicing the teaching of the Dharma. All people are embraced by the infinite compassion and wisdom of Amida Buddha, and we invite you to come and experience our practice.
Tri-State / Denver Buddhist Temples are members of the Buddhist Churches of America and a part of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-Ha school of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, headquartered in Kyoto, Japan.

About Shin Buddhism
Founder: Shinran Shonin
Date of birth: May 21, 1173
Date of death: January 16, 1263
Name of school: Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji–ha (Shin Buddhism)
Head temple: Ryukoku-zan Nishi Hongwanji
Object of reverence: Amida Buddha (Namo Amida Butsu)
The Three Pure Land Sutras delivered by Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism
The Sutra of the Buddha of Infinite Life [The Larger Sutra]
The Sutra of Contemplation on the Buddha of Infinite Life [The Contemplation Sutra]
The Sutra on Amida Buddha [The Smaller Sutra]
Way of Life
Through the Dharma teachings, we are provided a different perspective to see ourselves in the world and giving us the opportunity to live lives of balance, gratitude, and comfort.
We are a community of people (sangha) joined together, revering the teaching of Shinran Shonin, and saying the Nembutsu. We seek to share the wisdom and compassion of Amida, which embraces all sentient beings. By doing so, we work toward the realization of a society in which everyone is able to live a life of spiritual fulfillment. We take refuge in the compassion of Amida Buddha and through the practice of reciting the name of Amida, “Namo Amida Butsu”.