Ways to Support
Thank You
Thank you for your consideration and interest in ways to support the Tri-State Denver Buddhist Temples and our communities. It is through generous support of all kinds that we are able to share the continuous bonds of connection between us—and through the ages—embraced by the Nembutsu path. Let us move forward steadily to fulfill our responsibility.
“May there be peace in the world, and may the Buddha’s teaching spread.” —Shinran Shonin
Types of and Reasons for Giving
There are times and ways to provide monetary offerings to the Temple. We practice the concept of dana, or selfless giving, which may manifest in many forms: volunteering time, providing help, and giving monetarily. Listed below are some of the reasons and ways that people choose to give.
General Offerings
Donations may be offered at any time for any reason. All donations of any size are received with deep gratitude for the support of the mission of the Temple to share the Dharma. Donations may be place in offering boxes in the hondo or in the lobby at the Temple. They may also be mailed or submitted online.
This weekly offering is often an early opportunity for visitors and children in Dharma school to contribute. Amounts of any size (note from the clattering that it is just as often in the form coins as it is bills) enable everyone to be participants and contributors to the most immediate and apparent support costs.
Osaisen (temple visit money) is placed into the large Saisenbako (offering box). This is most often located near the entrance to the Hondo or between the incense burners immediately before the Onaijin. (Adults and children alike may be seen offering Osaisen with apparent gratitude, joy, and enthusiasm.)
Membership is a way for individuals and households to pledge an annual donation to the Temple, and receive benefits including Board of Directors voting rights, discounts for Temple services and facilities, and access to special events. More information is available on our Membership page: https://tsdbt.org/membership/
Gratitude and Reflection
In Memoriam Donations
Donations are often given in memory of a loved one. These may be given at the time of a specific funeral or memorial (hoji) service for an individual. They may also be given during a monthly Shotsuki Service during which all who have passed during that month are remembered.
Oseibo Donations
At year’s end, the sangha traditionally shows its gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of the Temple staff. This specific gift, known as Oseibo—the “year-end gift”—allows us to express our gratitude to those who have labored throughout the year to bring us the Buddha-dharma.
Nokotsudo Donations
The Nokotsudo is a special area for the storage of ashes of loved ones. Donations are offered in the name of an individual whose remains are/will be housed in the Nokotsudo.
Special Services
Jodo Shinshu and broader Buddhist traditions often include monetary offerings at special services (i.e., Hanamatsuri, Obon, Eitaikyo, etc.). Presented at the service itself or mailed in, the offering is traditionally wrapped in a sheet of clean white paper and then placed in a plain envelope with an identification of what the offering is for and who the donation is from is printed on the face of the envelope. These donations are separate from membership offerings, as they do not affect membership numbers; though the income is just as vital to operations.
Legacy Endowment
Please ask any member of the Board for details on any Campaigns and Legacy Endowments.
The Temple exists because of volunteers giving their time and energy to the facilities, programs, and events that share the dharma, support the sangha, and ensure the continuation of the Temple into the future. Volunteers are always needed in the Buddhist Dana Association (BDA), the Dharma School, and the Board of Directors and its committees. Our Get Involved page has more information about organizations associated with the Temple. If you see a need that you would like to help fulfill, please contact us (phone: 303-295-1844; email: ).
How to Make Donations
Donations by Cash or Check
Donations by cash or check may be dropped in an offering box at the Temple in the lobby or in the hondo. If you would like a donation to be made in memoriam of a loved one, for a special service, or attributed to you as the donor, please be sure to place the donation in an envelope (available in the lobby), and write your first and last name and the purpose of the donation on the envelope. Cash donations may also be made anonymously.
Checks should be made out to TSDBT. Donations may be mailed to: Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple, PO Box 719, Denver, CO 80201
Digital Payments
1. We accept PayPal and credit card donations using the yellow DONATE button:
When you complete the form, please be sure to select the purpose for the donation from the drop-down menu and add a note to specify the special service or name of the person to be honored by the donation. You do not need a PayPal account to donate online. Simply click on the DONATE button to begin the donation process.
You will be prompted through the payment screens to enter the required information, either through a PayPal account or a credit card payment. Once you have verified the transaction, you will be able to print and/or receive an email donation receipt. This transaction will appear as “PayPal*TRISTATEDEN” on your credit card statement.
2. We accept donations through the Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple page on the Colorado Gives site.
When you complete the form, you may choose to make your donation public or private on the Colorado Gives site. You may add a dedication to your donation. If your donation is for a special service, please select “in honor of” and add the name of that service (e.g., Ho-onko).
The Colorado Gives site accepts payment in the form of credit card, Colorado Gives giving card, donor advised fund, IRA, wire transfer, PayPal, or Google Pay. Please note that the site defaults to adding payment processing fees to the donation. You may unclick the checkbox at the bottom of the page if you choose not to include those fees. As always, we are grateful for any amount you can give with gratitude and without expectation.
KROGER (King Soopers / City Market)
Join a simple program to raise money for the Temple. This program is painless, does not require up-front costs or change the way you pay for your groceries. For every purchase (groceries and gasoline) that you make when you use your loyalty card, King Soopers will pay a portion back to our temple. All that is required is that you enroll in the program, and continue to use your King Soopers Loyalty card.
To enroll, visit King Soopers and login or create your new account.
My Account ☰ > Community Rewards > Enroll > “Find an Organization” > KM637 or Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple.